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January Reflection

I decided to do a monthly reflection at the end of each month! I think it will be fun to look back on at the end of the year.

This month, Josias and I had our first weekend away from the kids! We went to Arizona, which was also a great escape from the cold! It was the longest I've ever left them (four days). While I did miss them, I really did enjoy getting to relax and socialize without thinking about the next nap or diaper change. It helped that they were in great hands the whole time! They had a blast.

Once we got back home, I immediately started potty training Melody. I knew she was ready before we left and she caught on within a week! It's so crazy; more laundry but no more diapers!

We went through just about the whole year of 2022 with little to no sickness, but 2023 hasn't quite been like that. We've already went through a stomach bug and two colds throughout the house, which I'm hoping is wrapping up!

These days, we spend a lot of time just cleaning and playing and cooking. I love it! I do squeeze in some work while Melody naps and Judah has quiet time, but it doesn't take away from my time with them and I'm so grateful. We are in a super fun stage where the kids play together and laugh together and it's just so fun.

I had a few "resolutions", if you will, for the new year and decided to pepper them in throughout the month to make them stick. It's been so nice to be able to actually keep my house tidy and read my Bible every day. They seem like little things, but they make all the difference in the chaos of life right now!

Well, that's just about it for what my days have been looking like in January. With how busy the month went, I didn't get as many blogs out as I wanted. I have a lot more exciting content coming in February that I can't wait to share. Thanks for reading along!


Comments (2)

Jan 19

You know my address.


Apr 20, 2023

Sounds yummy! I can't wait to try them.

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