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Contentment - Thoughts

"To live content with small means- to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion, to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich- to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart- to bear all cheerfully- do all bravely, await occasions- never hurry; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the uncommon. This is to be my symphony."

- William Ellery Channing

I saw this quote on Pinterest (of course! Where else are we supposed to get inspirational quotes?). Someone commented on it, saying how amazing it is when people can perfectly articulate what you're thinking. I completely agree with them!

I've been in a phase of life- it could just be part of growing and maturing- where contentment has been a theme. Not in a, my life is really hard, and I need to just see the silver lining type, but more subtle than that. It also happens that my birthday was last week, so I've been reflecting. The previous year: the laughs, the pure joy, the heartache, the epiphanies, everything. My theme for 2022 was gratitude. I remember noticing it on my birthday last year. Everything felt so right, and I felt so undeserving of my life. Then came the rest of the year- the beautiful moments, and the painful moments. They showed me, even more, how grateful I am for this life I lead. The husband and children I have, the family I have, the home I get to live in, the business I get to work for, all of it. It's all a part of each day.

At the start of 2023, I began working on myself and the little things I can do to better myself and my surroundings. That's where the quotation that I put at the start of this comes into play. It was exactly what I wanted for this year. It's going to be something I work on for the rest of my life, I'm sure, but I aspire to have these characteristics. Living content means romanticizing every moment and learning to live in the moment.

I may not have a brand-new home with everything I could want, but I've made it my little cozy side of the world that my family can see as an oasis. That's more important to me than having perfect furniture and sparkling appliances. My kids might not get to experience Disneyland before they're ten, but that doesn't mean that they don't know that they're loved each day. It's not always feasible to get a babysitter and go on fancy vacations with my friends, but I can invite them over for coffee and baked goods and still have a wonderful time!

If you're struggling to find a way to be content with your life, especially in the world we're living in now with influencers showing you their perfect lives every day, know that you're not alone. Some days are easier than others. Something that's helped me immensely is just taking a step back and looking at what I CAN do to get closer to who I want to be instead of just putting it out into the void and never putting action behind my words. When you decide to make your life beautiful and full of love, it will happen. Take it day by day, morning by morning. Enjoy listening to the wind blow through the trees outside your window or watching the steam float atop your afternoon cup of tea. There are beautiful moments all around us waiting to be discovered. Take advantage of spring among us and marvel at some blooming flowers, or the way a rainy day makes the grass so green and fragrant. Tell your friends you love them.

I don't know if this was to encourage a reader or to encourage me, but I already am thinking of more wonderful things about my life and feeling so happy and grateful! There are so many reasons to be so happy! Have a wonderful rest of your week, friends.


Comments (2)

Jan 19

You know my address.


Apr 20, 2023

Sounds yummy! I can't wait to try them.

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