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3 Lessons That I Learned in 2022

This seemed like an appropriate topic for the last week of the year, but once I actually sat down to write it out, my mind went blank. 2022 has flown by, but also felt so long and monumental that it's hard to put a pin on what I want to talk about. Once I thought about putting it down into three lessons I learned, it helped me come up with some ideas. So, here are the three main lessons I learned in 2022!

1. Confidence is Key

I've never had a ton of self-confidence, if I'm honest. This year has brought me a lot of change, and some that really wasn't easy. There were changes in jobs, job positions, family life, and more, and one thing that it all taught me was that I must believe in myself and who I am. I have talent. I have my own ambitions. I have my own beliefs. And I'm confident in all of these things in a different way than I was at the beginning of 2022. I'm so glad that I went through the different challenges that I did because they helped me to see who I am. And I'm proud to be her!

2. There Are So Many Things to be Grateful For

In a world that is ever changing, life can sometimes feel out of grasp. At least, for me. One way that I have learned to decompress from all of the craziness is to step back and look at all that I have. I've had such gratitude this year for my life. I have a wonderful, God-fearing husband who works hard for us, two beautiful children that are so happy and adorable, a cozy home, food on the table, I could go on and on. This year, I've had so many reminders that there is so much to be grateful for, in spite of it all.

3. Taking Time to Make Memories is Always Worth It

As a mom of two three and under, everything is crazy and fast-paced. There's always a meal to get on the table or a mess to clean or a diaper to change. Young parents are told so often to, "Enjoy these years. They go by so quickly!" While that's sometimes hard to remember in the moment, one of the best things I did this year was spend the time to make memories with my kids. Little memories, like going to the park as a surprise, or making cookies together or writing letters to loved ones that live far away. All of these little things are memories that I will cherish, especially when the days fly by. Taking the time for the little things will be my favorite memories when my littles are grown.

Life ebbs and flows. There are so many seasons of life and I happen to be in an incredibly busy one. I go to bed each night either picking up toys or tripping over toys and gushing over my sleeping babies. But I know that everything is so temporal and will be gone before I know it. It's taking the time to reflect on things that show me just how lucky I am. What a blessing 2022 has been for me. I hope that you can say the same. Happy New Year!

1 Comment

Candice Yoder
Dec 30, 2022

All so true ❤️ I feel like these are things we are all constantly learning! At least, I am 🤗

Comments (2)

Jan 19

You know my address.


Apr 20, 2023

Sounds yummy! I can't wait to try them.

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