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How to Spend Less on Coffee this Year

If you're anything like me, you're probably trying to find different ways to improve in 2023. While I have a few different goals in mind (read my Bible every day, hydrate more, fuel my body properly, etc.), I don't have to say "spend less on coffee" like I did last year.

If you are looking for ways to save some extra cash and love coffee as much as me, this is for you! Here are a few ways that you can spend less on coffee this year.

1. Buy Good Quality Coffee

Now, this may seem counterintuitive. How can you save money if you're intentionally buying more expensive coffee beans? It's still much cheaper than the drink you're wanting from Starbucks or wherever, and, to me, it's the first step to making your home set-up a bit more luxurious. Take the extra time to support a local shop and buy coffee that has been roasted recently and locally! Also, buy whole bean or get it freshly ground from a coffee shop.

2. Make Your Own Sauces & Syrups (or buy ones that you know you love!)

This, again, will take a bit of time, but it is SO worth the effort! You can find recipes and videos all over the internet that range from simple and classic to complex and delicious. Either way, it will add an element of pride to your drink and make you look forward to your home coffee even more.

3. Buy a Good Thermos

Invest in a Yeti or a cup that you know you will want to take everywhere with you. One way that coffee shops get me is the convenience. I love to grab a quick cup while I'm out and about. While that's not always a bad thing (more on that later), spending $5 on a coffee every time I run errands gets a bit frivolous. A good way I've been able to combat that craving is by making a coffee before I leave the house and bringing it in my Yeti. A total life saver!

4. Make Everything Effortless & Easier Than a Coffee Shop

As I said before, I like to make coffee as I'm getting ready to leave the house. By having my home set-up ready whenever, it makes it easy for me to switch between heating my kettle, getting ready for the day, pulling my espresso shots and assembling my beverage of choice. None of it is difficult, it's just all about planning ahead. Once you do it a time or two, you won't even be thinking about stopping at Starbucks.

5. Turn Your Coffee Shop Visits into Opportunities to TREAT YO-SELF!

And, finally, the best tip. I love to support local businesses, especially after being a barista at my favorite local place. They make great drinks and I love to partake in a special latte or chai now and then! The best way to save money is to indulge every once in a while. While home coffee is delicious and I'm a huge fan of it, I think there is something so precious about ordering your go-to drink from the gal or guy behind the counter and people-watching as they make your drink. If you decide to actually soak in those coffee shop visits as a special time as opposed to a mundane Thursday, you'll enjoy it even more!

So, there you have it: five tips to get you to save money on coffee this year. And another good trick is to put the money that you would be spending on coffee in a savings fund or toward your shopping fund. It will be even more encouraging as the money adds up! Even if you don't have the perfect set-up at home, learn how to perfect what you do have and enjoy the learning experience!

Best of luck on this resolution, or whatever other resolutions you have! If you don't have any, that's cool too! May we all continue in growth together in 2023.


Comments (2)

Jan 19

You know my address.


Apr 20, 2023

Sounds yummy! I can't wait to try them.

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