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Get to Know Me - My Cooking Story

Alright, so you're here and you've most likely read the "About" page on my website, but I thought I'd dig a little deeper. We are friends, after all!

When I was about 10-11 years old, my mom started schooling to become an esthetician (the best, in the opinion of many). That was during my summer break, in which I spent a lot of time with my grandma.

At Grandma's house, we cooked and watched TV and had a grand time all summer! One thing that I became obsessed with was watching Food Network episodes on her computer. They really inspired me and made me want to become a cook! My grandma, being able to see that I was taking interest in cooking, let me help in the kitchen and made meals with me from cookbooks all throughout the summer. Looking back, now, I know that that summer was pivotal in my journey with food.

After that, I had an itch to get in the kitchen and cook and bake whenever I could. My mom had a rule, however, about me being in the kitchen. The first was one that took a while to sink in, much to her demise. I had to clean up after myself. A hard lesson to learn but learning to clean as you go makes everything so much easier! The other requirement was that I had to make everything from scratch. No boxed cake mixes or store-bought pasta sauces. That was the best rule. She also was a pro at seasoning food, thus a great taste-tester!

I spent all of my teen years at home cooking away and learning new recipes. While at home, I experimented with macarons, eclairs, homemade pasta and so much more! I got married at the ripe age of fresh-out-of-high school-eighteen. After moving out of my parents' house, the desire to be in the kitchen didn't fade. I still wanted to be in the kitchen every single day that I could! I found jobs that were food-related in order to feel closer to something that I loved. I ended up getting to work at my favorite coffee shop in the world as a baker and a barista in May 2018, when I was 19.

I found out that November that I was expecting my baby son and I was so excited! Because I wanted to be a work-from-home mom, I knew that I only was going to be working there until I was due in July. I soaked in every minute and puked with every peanut butter cookie I scooped. (I only wanted to. That would have been so unsanitary!) After having my baby and having more time at home, I got really into baking bread. Then the pandemic happened, and everyone was in the kitchen baking bread. I learned that there was an outlet that I could use for my cooking/baking wants. I started a home bakery!

While I loved having a home bakery, the cost ended up outweighing the benefits and I had to slow down on taking orders. The great pro to all of that was that I found the most delicious cake recipes that I may share on here, eventually. That led me here! Nowadays, I spend my time in the kitchen out of pure bliss. I'm testing out recipes from other food bloggers and chefs that I follow and creating recipes of my own.

Well, there you have it! That's my food story and how I came to love cooking so much! Now to think of what to cook next...

- Abigail


Comments (2)

Jan 19

You know my address.


Apr 20, 2023

Sounds yummy! I can't wait to try them.

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