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Life Lately, and Thoughts

I have not been writing lately because it just feels like there's nothing to write about! This afternoon, a friend and her kiddos came over. We had a lovely time over coffee and the sound of happy children running and playing and after she left, the kids went to the table to color and eat popcorn while I tidied up and prepped the kitchen for dinner.

It was so weird because it was a fairly mundane day. However, these little activities that were muscle memory to me gave me the most overwhelming joy! The sun is shining today, spring is on the horizon and there is happiness in the air. I'm not even sure if I have a topic for this post, but I'm just sitting on the couch with gratitude, and I want to document it.

Life is a beautiful thing, people! Sure, there are things that I wish were different and parts of my life that aren't perfect by anyone's standards, but here and now, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. That has been coming to mind a lot, as of late: choosing to respond to negativity with undeniable truth. Not even just negativity from others, but negativity in my own mind! I have challenged myself this year to not think negatively about my body image and to instead, think of things that are true. I am a mother of two. I am a present wife with a lot of tasks from day to day. I am doing the best that I know how. It has really changed the game for me.

It's spread even into my home, as well! The kitchen is a mess and I feel stressed out, instead I will create an atmosphere that makes me want to be productive and happy. I'm going to focus on how to save myself work later so that I can actually rest and spend time with my family. I've been really working in my role as a stay-at-home mom to create a happy, peaceful environment for my husband and kids. Is the house perfectly spotless every day? DEFINITELY NOT. I had to realize that that's not what it's all about. My husband feels more relaxed when I'm relaxing with him. It's much, much less relaxing to try and sit on the couch with an angry whirlwind running around in a panic to keep everything tidy. My kids like me better when I'm present with them. I like me better when I'm happy with my kids and my husband and not feeling like I'm working all the time while they're chilling in the living room. It's seriously a win-win-win-win.

I feel like this has made me a happier wife, a happier mom, and I can really see the beauty of this life we're creating all around!

There isn't much substance to this post, but like I said earlier, I just wanted to document that I'm having a lovely afternoon. Dinner is about to start and I'm feeling truly content, and I hope you all are feeling that way, too! If not, just know that you can! Pray, change your mindset, and try again tomorrow. Happy Thursday!


Comments (2)

Jan 19

You know my address.


Apr 20, 2023

Sounds yummy! I can't wait to try them.

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