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10 Traditions You Can Still Make Before Christmas

The holiday season is an absolute whirlwind. In between work, work parties and get-togethers with friends or family, it can sometimes feel impossible to create traditions of your own. While we're already at less than a week before Christmas, here are ten different traditions that you still have time to make before the big day! I know that these are fun, because a lot of these are traditions that we do in my little family.

1. Watch a festive movie (or two!)

This one is nice because there is no deadline, and it can happen anytime from the comfort of your own home! Whether you watch one every day until Christmas, or just save your favorite one until Christmas Eve, this is something your entire family will look forward to! Be sure to make some fresh popcorn and hot chocolate for the occasion.

2. Make paper snowflakes

While this may not seem as exciting to a grown-up, kids love to do this! It's a great way to keep kiddos occupied while you make your famous pie, and it makes for adorable decor in a window of your choice. This is something our whole family looks forward to each year.

3. Look at Christmas lights in your local neighborhoods

This is my favorite tradition for my family! Last year, we had a two-year-old and a six-month-old and I did NOT want to take my kids to some outdoor setting to look at lights. I don't like being cold and I didn't want to endure that type of setting with two littles. The compromise ended up being so fun and inexpensive! We took an evening, bought hot chocolate from our favorite spot, then drove around and looked at all of the lights that people had put on their houses while listening to Christmas music on the radio. It was so fun, and the kids even dozed off in the car. Win-Win!

4. Have friends over for a holiday meal

This one is an easy one to accomplish, especially if you know of friends that are home for the holidays. With simple touches like instrumental Christmas music, candles, and games, you can make for a cozy, relaxed evening that you and your friends will look forward to each year! Add a festive dessert, if you really want to go over the top.

5. Call a loved one

You may be wondering, how is this a tradition? And it's very simple: by planning ahead a bit. Call a family member or friend that lives far away and chat over hot chocolate or coffee. Make it intentional and just enjoy their company. This will be something small that means so much!

6. Bake cookies for yourself or someone else

This one is especially fun if you get kids involved. It will be the most exciting part of their day and you will yield delicious results! It also makes for a great gift for kids to give friends, teachers, etc.

7. Read the Christmas story as a family on Christmas Eve.

For my family, we'll be reading about Jesus' birth from the Bible. For others, it may be "The Night Before Christmas". Whatever the story is, it's a very easy one to do and it creates such a precious environment in the home.

8. Go to a local shop to buy goodies

Similar to baking cookies with kids, this is another way to gift friends or teachers, or whoever during the holidays! Not only are you gifting that person, but you also get to support local businesses during Christmas time. How cool is that?

9. Decorate a gingerbread house.

This was a tradition in my family growing up and I loved it! It's something I've passed on in my family now that I have kids because I remember it so fondly. You can make it a competition or just a fun activity for a snowy afternoon. Either way, you're guaranteed success with this one!

10. Go caroling

This isn't a tradition that I've ever done, but I know that a lot of families do it and there's still plenty of time to do this one! Bust out your favorite songs to bring holiday cheer to neighbors or the elderly at local nursing homes.

Overall, Christmas time is meant for spreading happiness and love to all around. No matter what tradition you do in your house, or if you just do any of these activities for pure enjoyment, it is even more fun when you're doing it for someone else! May we all find joy during this season. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you, friends!

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Comments (2)

Jan 19

You know my address.


Apr 20, 2023

Sounds yummy! I can't wait to try them.

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